Store Shed Is Up!

The construction of the new storage shed, jointly funded by HILLS ARCHERS and the Federal Government’s Stronger Communities Grant (supported by Federal Member for Mayo, Rebekah Sharkie MP), is complete! (Assuming the concrete floor will appear soon.)

THANKS from all of us to Philip for his enduring commitment, muscle, sheer bloody-mindedness, and the co-ordination/supervision of all aspects of the construction; members’ appreciation cannot be understated. It is estimated that Philip has put in at least 100 hours of on-site time, let alone dealing with the planning/building approvals, liaison with suppliers, and dealing with “workarounds”. (Philip is open to requests for further shed building…… NOT!)

The result is a facility which will stand the test of time, and provide the Club with the ability to operate in a more satisfactory manner; not having to work around target butts to undertake simple Club activities…. such as getting the milk out of the fridge for the tea and coffee! 🙂

And all of us can now resume shooting!

Et Voila!
as at 02/06/2024
(apart from the concrete floor)
as at 01/06/2024
Roller doors are on – yes, it’s dark – it was a long day 30/05/2024
as at 29/05/2024
as at 28/05/2024
as at 26/05/2024
as at 24/05/2024
as at 20/05/2024
as at 18/05/2024
as at 17/05/2024
work starts – 7/04/2024