Club News

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HILLS ARCHERS Wins Bulk Nutrients Grant

HILLS ARCHERS is humbled to be the recipient of a generous donation from Tasmanian based company BULK... Read more

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Store Shed Is Up!

The construction of the new storage shed, jointly funded by HILLS ARCHERS and the Federal Government’s Stronger... Read more

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HILLS ARCHERS Invitation Clout Tournament: RE-SCHEDULED

Entries are now open for this event on Sunday, 30 June (revised date). This will be the... Read more

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Our new website is active

As you can see – the new website, courtesy of StackSports and Archery Australia has now been... Read more

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Help required

We are hosting the ARCHERY SA Lord Mayor’s Trophy Teams Shoot on Sunday, 17 March. There are... Read more

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Approval obtained

Building consent has finally been received for the construction of the storage shed. Preliminary site works will... Read more

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New membership system

Assemble Sports is the new provider from 1 March, 2024 of the Archery Australia Membership Database and... Read more

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**Fraudulent Transactions Activity** (Resolved)

Update: this issue has been resolved by GAMEDAY and mechanisms put in place to prevent any recurrence(s). HILLS... Read more

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Club’s AGM – New Board

Half of the Board vacated, in accordance with the Constitutional requirement. The elected Board Members for the... Read more

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April to June are the Postal Tournament months!

Submit 2 x WA60/900 (Canberra) scores shot on the one day for the Silver Leprechaun Tournament, organised by... Read more

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News Archive

“Since the beginning…” (These are PDF files) Click Here for Earlier News – 2021/2022 Click Here for... Read more